Approximately 50% of all papers involved cattle, a fifth of which concerned dairy cattle or beef x dairy crossbreds. A quarter of papers concerned swine, 15% concerned sheep, and 3% considered laboratory rodents, with the proportional contribution of sheep research decreasing across time. Authors from the Midwestern and Southern sections of the American Society of Animal Science had greater proportional contributions than Western and Northeastern section authors, and contributions
of university and state experiment station authors outnumbered those of USDA-ARS authors. The proportional Ispinesib contribution of international authors increased across time, reaching 45% for the 2000s, as that of university and experiment station authors decreased and that of USDA-ARS authors remained fairly constant. Subjective analysis suggested substantial levels of creativity, innovation, and cooperation in JAS animal breeding research, a strong international perspective, but also a marked degree of imitation and repetition in subject matter content.”
“Microstructural and electroluminescence measurements are carried out on boron implanted dislocation engineered silicon light emitting diodes R406 (LEDs)
co-implanted with the rare earth thulium to provide wavelength tuning in the infra-red. Silicon LEDs operating in the range from 1.1-1.35 mu m are fabricated by co-implantation of boron and thulium into n-type Si (100) wafers and subsequently rapid thermally annealed to activate THZ1 cell line the implants and to engineer the dislocation loop array that is crucial in allowing light emission. Ohmic contacts are applied to the p and n regions to form conventional p-n junction LEDs. Electroluminescence is obtained under normal forward biasing of the devices. The influence of implantation sequence (B or Tm first), ion dose, and the post-implantation annealing on the microstructure and electroluminescence from the devices is studied. A clear role of the heavy-ion Tm co-implant in significantly
modifying the boron induced dislocation loop array distribution is demonstrated. We also identify the development of dislocation loops under thermal spikes upon heavy ion (Tm) implantation into Si. The results contribute to a better understanding of the basic processes involved in fabrication and functioning of co-implanted devices, toward achieving higher light emission efficiency. VC 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3614036]“
“The authors describe mitochondrial studies in a 6-year-old patient with a seizure disorder that can be seen in myoclonic epilepsy and ragged red fibers. Using a recently developed noninvasive approach, analysis of buccal mitochondrial enzyme function revealed severe respiratory complex I and IV deficiencies in the patient. In addition, analysis of buccal mitochondrial DNA showed significant amounts of the common 5 kb and 7.4 kb mitochondrial DNA deletions, also detectable in blood.