Whether agaI serves as an additional deaminase/isomerase remains uncertain because over-expression of agaI from pJFagaI in E. coli C ∆agaS was unable to complement the Aga- phenotype (data not shown). Conclusions The Aga/Gam pathway has
not been extensively studied as evidenced by the few publications that exist in the literature [1, 6, 9–11, 24]. In this study we show that agaI is not needed for growth on Aga and Gam and nagB does not substitute for the absence of agaI https://www.selleckchem.com/products/icg-001.html as we had originally proposed [12]. Instead, we propose that the product of the agaS gene carries out this step. During the preparation of this manuscript, Leyn et al. published a paper that also showed that agaI is not essential for Aga utilization but agaS is essential [24]. Also, in a three-step enzyme coupled assay they showed that AgaS has deaminase
activity and in a two-step assay they detected AgaA deacetylase activity [24]. In their experiments they observed complementation of the ∆agaS mutant with the agaSY and not with agaS alone as we have observed. This difference is most likely because they used agaS deletion mutants with a spectinomycin cassette that could cause a polar effect on kbaY. Furthermore, they Selleckchem AZD6244 carried out complementation in liquid medium whereas we did on agar plates at 30°C which could cause this difference. Additionally, we show that agaA is not essential for growth on Aga because nagA can substitute for agaA and that agaA and nagA can substitute PI3K activator for each Liothyronine Sodium other but, on the other hand, agaS and agaI cannot complement a ∆nagB mutant and neither can nagB complement a ∆agaS mutant. Interestingly, AgaA has only 10 fold lower activity with GlcNAc-6-P than with Aga-6-P whereas, AgaS has 27-fold lower activity with GlcN-6-P than with Gam-6-P [24] indicating that agaA could substitute for nagA but agaS is unlikely to substitute for nagB as we have shown. Therefore, our genetic data complements and supports the biochemical data on AgaA and AgaS. The Aga/Gam pathway as revealed from these studies is depicted in Figure 1 which shows that agaS and not agaI codes for Gam-6-P deaminase/isomerase. The interplay of AgaA and NagA but not that of AgaS and NagB between the Aga/Gam
and GlcNAc pathways as revealed from this study is also indicated in Figure 1. What role, if any, agaI plays in the Aga/Gam pathway remains to be investigated. Methods Bacterial strains E. coli O157:H7 strain EDL933 (FDA strain # EC1275) was from our collection of strains at the Food and Drug Administration. This strain is henceforth referred to as EDL933. E. coli strain C, strain # CGSC 3121, and all strains and plasmids for gene knockout experiments by the method of Datsenko and Wanner [25] were obtained from the Coli Genetic Stock Center at Yale University, New Haven, CT. Bacterial media and growth conditions To test growth on minimal medium agar plates, wild type and the knockout mutant strains were grown overnight with shaking in Luria Broth (LB) at 37°C.