This algorithm provided three best-fitting distributions with the

This algorithm provided three best-fitting distributions with their associated Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) scores and parameters. The distribution that had the lowest AIC score was chosen as the best-fit distribution at each type of clinic to express the pattern of session size observed. The AIC was preferable to a chi-squared goodness of selleck compound fit test because it takes account of the degrees of freedom and it could be implemented

for discrete data unlike the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. (Please refer Table 2 for all model inputs.) The model estimated the present value of the total number of doses of IPV delivered and doses wasted from January 1, 2014 through December Selleckchem MG 132 31, 2023 in each of the inhibitors country populations, using a discount rate of 3%. Coverage was assumed to remain at 92% in each of the countries in a 10-year analytical horizon, based on recent data on DPT3 coverage [16]. Birth cohort growth or shrinkage was estimated based on UN medium variant projections and was adjusted for background mortality [17]. In this model, HCWs were assumed to always

discard a partially used vial at the end of the session. Following the model of Lee et al. [6], the number of vials opened mafosfamide in a clinic at the end of one session (n) will depend upon the number of children (d) who arrived at the clinic during the day. equation(1) n=Roundupdvwhere d stands for the number of children coming for vaccination, and v is the vial size. Since session size is a major determinant

of vaccine wastage, we used our statistical model of session size to generate stochastic estimates of “d”. The doses wasted (w) at the end of one session was calculated using the modulo arithmetic of session size versus the vaccine vial size. equation(2) w=v−Mod[d,v]w=v−Mod[d,v]where the modulus function “Mod [d, v]” means “take the remainder of d/v”. The wastage rate of the vaccine (wp) at one session is given by: equation(3) wp=wn×v To model the number of vials used and the number of doses wasted, we extrapolated country totals as the weighted sum of each type of clinic. If ni is the number of vials opened in the “ith” type of clinic, the annual number of vials opened in the country is given as, summed over i: equation(4) Number of vials used per year=∑NiSiniNumber of vials used per year=∑NiSiniwhere Ni is the number of type “i” facilities in the country and Si is the number of sessions per year for a type “i” facility. A similar expression estimates the number of doses wasted.

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