[34] who also found that LBM did not change from young to old age

[34] who also found that LBM did not change from young to old age in F344 rats. However, it is possible that the DXA measure of LBM in rats was not sensitive enough to detect age-related sarcopenia, and it’s possible that the cross sectional design underestimates these changes. In general, both human and rodent models have shown to underestimate age-related changes in muscle mass when done in cross sectional designs relative to longitudinal designs [35–37]. Our old animals were raised in our laboratory from find more 44 to 86 weeks of age. While the HMB group continued (16-wk administration) until very old age (102 wk.), the control group was sacrificed at 86 wk. of age. Therefore, we performed a quazi-longitudinal

comparison between the groups, in which a separate group of 5 control animals were used at 102 wk. in place of those 5 sacrificed at 86 wks. Intriguingly, both groups significantly declined in LBM from 44 to 86 wks. of age, and while this loss was maintained in the old control group, the 102-wk HMB group was no longer significantly lower in LBM than when they were 44 wk. of age (Figure 8). Baier et al. [38]

also performed a longitudinal analysis in over 70 elderly women with an average age of 76 years of age. These Thiazovivin nmr subjects AZD1152 mw were randomly divided into either a cocktail containing HMB or placebo supplemented groups for a 12-month duration. Their results indicated that LBM progressively increased over a 12-month time span when supplementing with the nutrition cocktail with no change occurring in the placebo condition. Figure 8 Quazi longitudinal analysis of lean body mass in young (44 wk) to very Urocanase old (102 wk). Fisher 344 rats. A indicates a main condition effect (p < 0.05), * indicates a significant difference from the 44-wk group (p < 0.05). Fat mass (FM) In both humans and the Fisher 344 rat model, FM increases up to 70% of the lifespan, and then plateaus or decreases thereafter [39, 40]. In our control rats, FM increased from young to middle age, with no changes occurring from old to very old age. Perhaps the most intriguing finding of our study was that HMB prevented fat gain from young to middle age, and significantly lowered body fat after

the 16-wk HMB administration from the old to very old age. Our results also concur with past animal research, which demonstrated significantly lower hindlimb fat pad weight following HMB administration in both healthy and dystrophic mice [41]. Interestingly enough, these changes were independent of food intake, which agreed with past research indicating that grams of food consumed may not significantly change with age in the F344 rat model [42], nor with HMB supplementation. To date, the underlying mechanisms that HMB exerts its effects on adipose remain to be elucidated. It may be that HMB directly increases oxidative capacity in myofibers, as exposure of cultured myotubes to the leucine metabolite increased palmitate oxidation by 30% [43].

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