WSSG at the stenosis ranges up to 24,000 dyn/cm3 in case 3, an approximate change of 50,000 dyn/cm3 occurs over 0.2 mm distance. The location of a pair of bands of negative WSSG followed by positive WSSG corresponds to the areas of increased WSS. A small band with low (near zero) WSSG separates the two (line a). Similar to the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical complex patterns of the temporal change of the WSS direction over the course of the cardiac cycle WSSG exhibits
its own dynamic. Figure 5A–C shows the same three case examples studied before, Figure 5D illustrates the distribution of WSSG vectors during peak systole for the remaining cases. In all three types of stenosis, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical a number of bands of acute changes of the WSSG direction were predicted that could be indicated by lines separating regions of WSSG vectors pointing in antegrade and in retrograde direction of the bulk flow (see lines in Fig. 5A–C). During systole these bands shift upstream compared to a more downstream location during diastole, and Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the number and magnitude of bands of positive and negative WSSG is increased during systole (Fig. 5B and
5C). Figure 5 (A–C) Three example (case 3, 5, and 6) detailing the temporal evolution of the instantaneous wall shear stress gradient (WSSG) vectors at the stenosis and poststenotic region (PSR) during the cardiac cycle (reds points on pulse wave). Bands of … Discussion We examined in this pilot study the changes in flow patterns and the distribution of wall shear forces and their spatiotemporal
derivatives in patient-based models of the carotid bifurcation in patients with CS, motivated Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical by reports that stenosis in a vessel is associated with transient or even turbulent flow changes, high shear stresses in the stenosis, and low shear stress in certain regions proximal and distal to the stenosis (Cassanova and Giddens Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical 1978). Previous analytic studies highlighted the effect of the eccentricity and shape of the stenosis on the flow pattern and shear stress distributions in the PSR (Steinman et al. 2000). The intricate 3D geometry of the carotid bifurcation and stenosis is captured using the approach in this study with a level of detail that exceeds what has been reported thus far. The geometry of the vessel lumen serves as the dominant boundary condition and is a generator of a highly heterogeneous wall shear distribution on the Cilengitide vessel wall. The resulting predicted blood flow through the vessels and the stenosis and the resulting wall shear forces are sensitive to other boundary conditions. These include the pulsatility of the flow, the simulated material properties of blood, elasticity of the vessel, and viscoelastic properties of the blood components. The former two were addressed in this study; the latter two were ignored in our modeling approach.