These results show there is no real consensus of proteins identified between the LPI™ FlowCell method and more established methods such as 2D GE and 2D-LC-MS/MS (Additional file 2). Instead these methods complement each other and therefore when designing experiments to identify outer membrane proteins it is important to try a range of approaches to maximise the coverage of OMPs detected. Finally, when collating the results from both digests performed in this study, different classes of membrane proteins with varying functions were also identified. A total of 69 proteins were
identified as being outer membrane proteins of which 54 were identified with two or more peptide find more hits (Additional file 1). Using the database UniProtKB some of the functions of the outer membrane proteins were deduced. These included the transporters BtuB which
is responsible for the uptake of vitamin B12, LamB which is involved in the uptake of maltose and maltodextrins and LolB which is involved in the incorporation of lipoproteins in the outer membrane. Other biologically significant proteins identified included the enzymes MltC which may play a role in cell elongation and division and NlpD which is involved in catabolic processes in cell check details wall formation as well as proteins involved in virulence such as Lpp1, Lpp2 and OmpX. To further verify the functions of the outer membrane proteins identified in the present study, manual mining of the data, which involved searching through literature containing information on the proteins of interest, was also undertaken. This approach shed further light on outer membrane proteins identified
that were not apparent using UniProtKB, a shortcoming of using a single approach to verify the functions of proteins [23]. These included membrane-bound lytic murein transglycosylase (MltB and MltC) which is important for cell growth [24], conjugal transfer surface exclusion protein (TraT) which is responsible for resistance to bacterial killing by serum [25] and RcsF protein which is part crotamiton of the Rcs phosphorelay signalling pathway responding to GDC-0449 purchase peptidoglycan damage by regulating colanic acid capsular exopolysaccharide synthesis, and has also been seen to enhance bacterial survival in the presence of antibiotics [26]. Conclusions The present study aimed to elucidate the expression of outer membrane proteins in Salmonella Typhimurium using LPI™ FlowCells. The membrane preparations largely excluded most of the cytosolic proteins that co-purifies with it when using currently available fractionation procedures and therefore achieved a wider coverage of the membrane subproteome than had been reported.