Specimen examined: USA, California, on Eucalyptus sp., Mar. 2009, S. Denman, holotype CBS H-20302, culture ex-type CPC 13819 = CBS 124819, CPC 13820, 13821. Notes: Numerous pycnidia are formed on OA after about 3 wk, which become fertile after 5 wk. Conidia are mostly similar
in shape and size to those formed on PNA, but slightly shorter. see more Based on conidial size, C. californiae (12.5–27.5 × 4.2–5.8 µm) is easily distinguished from C. edgertonii (30–48 × 12–15 µm), which also Acadesine datasheet occurs on Eucalyptus (Edgerton 1908). Although C. californiae may occur on other hosts, we were unable to locate a name for it, and BLAST results for its ITS sequences did not reveal its presence in GenBank. The ITS sequence of this species had an E-value of 0.0 with the ITS sequences of Pezicula spp. and Cryptosporiopsis spp. such as P. carpinea (AF141197;
95 % identical), P. heterochroma (AF141167; 95 % identical), P. sporulosa (AF141172; 94 % identical), C. radicicola (AF141193; 95 % identical), C. melanigena (AF141196; 94 % identical) and others. Cryptosporiopsis caliginosa Cheewangkoon, Summerell & Crous, sp. nov. Fig. 4 Fig. 4 Cryptosporiopsis caliginosa. a, b. Conidiomata on host substrate. c–i. Conidia attached to phialidic conidiogenous cells. j, k. Conidiogenous cells. l. Conidia. Scale bars: a = 100 µm, b = 20 µm, c–l = 10 µm; c applies to c–l MycoBank MB516494. Etymology: Name refers to Eucalyptus caliginosa, Caspase Inhibitor VI price on which the fungus was collected. ADP ribosylation factor Maculae amphigenae, subcirculares ad irregulares, brunneae. Conidiomata in foliis acervularia, subcuticularia ad epidermalia, pallide brunnea, discreta, 2–3 strata texturae angularis composita, ad 200 µm diam, 150–200 µm alta. Conidiophora nulla. Cellulae conidiogenae discretae, phialidicae, cylindricae, hyalinae, rectae vel leniter curvatae, glabrae, (14.5–)16–18(–20) × 4.5–6 µm. Conidia elongate ellipsoidea, plerumque recta, apice late obtuso, basi abrupte angustata in hilum leniter protrudens, aseptata, hyalina, crassitunicata, minute guttulata,
(8.5–)15–17(–19) × (3.5–)4.5–5.5 µm. Leaf spots amphigenous, subcircular to irregular, medium brown. Conidiomata on leaves acervular, subcuticular to epidermal, pale brown, separate, consisting of 2–3 layers of textura angularis, up to 200 µm diam, 150–200 µm high; dehiscence irregular, by rupture of the overlying host tissues. Conidiophores absent. Conidiogenous cells arise from the inner cells of the cavity, discrete, phialidic, cylindrical, hyaline, straight to slightly curved, smooth, (14.5–)16–18(–20) × 4.5–6 µm. Conidia elongate ellipsoidal, mostly straight, broadly obtuse at the apex, tapering abruptly to a slightly protruding basal scar, aseptate, hyaline, thick-walled, minutely guttulate, (8.5–)15–17(–19) × (3.5–)4.5–5.5 µm. Specimen examined: AUSTRALIA, New South Wales, Northern Tablelands, Mt Mackenzie Nature Reserve (290504S; 1515805E) on Eucalyptus caliginosa, 1 Feb. 2007, B.A.