Sometimes a surface coating of sensor material can replace the thermographic device [10]When a defect is placed in a metal plate or wall of a cylindrical object, heat conduction through the object is non-uniform forming an irregular temperature distribution around the defect. The IR temperature sensor selleck bio is selleck inhibitor a simple and easy device for the measurement of temperature distribution. Because its measurement range of temperature is limited and the distance between the sensor and measured object is critical to the measurement, a specially designed sensor module is necessary for the adjustment of the range and distance. The technique has been applied to the detection of simulated defect in a plate [11] and a pipe [12] showing the ability of defect detection of the system.
In this study, the IR themometer sensor is implemented to the detection of a simulated Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries defect in a cylindrical object, same to the shape of most equipment in chemical process industries. Unlike the Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries previous studies on the case of uniform heating to provide a temperature gradient Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries on the surface of inspected material, one point heating is applied considering the convenience of its practical implementation. It is easy to heat a spot on a large surface of a cylindrical wall instead of uniform, linear heating for the formation of temperature distribution around the defect. A sensor module is utilized to adjust the temperature measuring range of each of five sensors used here and to maintain the distance between the sensor and object.
A numerical analysis using the 3-dimensional conduction equation is also carried out to compare the measured temperature distribution with the calculated distribution.2.?Cylinder Model and Numerical Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries AnalysisAn aluminum Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries cylinder having a wall thickness of GSK-3 5 mm and a diameter of 100 mm as shown in Figure 1 was utilized in the experiment, which was modeled to solve a 3-D conduction equation upon suitable boundary conditions. In the middle of the cylinder a groove of 1 mm high and 10 mm wide was drilled as a simulated defect and covered on both sides of the groove with a piece of aluminum foil to conceal the defect.
During the operation of chemical processes in field the wall of a vessel is often warm and a temperature distribution is generated, in which the proposed IR thermography can be directly applied Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries for the detection of defects without separate, external heating.
Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries However, Brefeldin_A since the temperature distribution is not provided in the sample these of this study, an external heating is necessary. In order to provide the temperature distribution on the cylinder INCB-018424 a short rod heater was inserted in the hole near the top, and a water cooler was located at the bottom as illustrated in Figure 2. In a practical application, the point heating is simple and easy to generate a temperature distribution.Figure 1.Dimension of an aluminum cylinder with a groove.Figure 2.