orthopsilosis and C

orthopsilosis and C. metapsilosis [16, 17]. Interestingly, a recent manuscript by Sabino and colleagues [33] reports a high degree buy GSK3235025 of polymorphisms by microsatellite analysis in C. parapsilosis, with 192 different genotypes found among 233 isolates, based on 4 hyper variable loci. This is remarkable, considering that the majority of the literature points towards limited genetic variability in this species. The hypervariability found can provide an excellent tool to see more discriminate between isolates in outbreak investigations. However, it does not seem to be useful for

genetic relatedness studies on larger time scale or on population structure [33]. When the genetic distance between each isolate pair was calculated using the Pearson’s coefficient, which takes into account

both the presence/absence of bands and their relative “”intensity”", significant geographic clustering of the isolates was obtained (P < 0.001). This coefficient has been used as an index of genetic distance and has HMPL-504 price been previously reported in AFLP analysis of bacteria [34, 35] and Candida species [36]. Candida fingerprinting techniques such as RFLP with species specific probes, RAPD, karyotyping also produce band patterns which differ in band mobility and intensity. In this respect, genotyping with AFLP gives rise to a much more complex pattern, composed by a larger number of bands, which can be compared by mobility and intensity [37].

The accuracy of the Pearson’s coefficient is also dependent on the number of fragments included in the comparison. Thus, generating over 80 fragments with a single enzyme/primer combination, AFLP seems to be a suitable tool to perform this kind of analysis [37]. In this context, it is interesting to speculate what causes the variation in the relative band intensities. Karyotypes differing in band mobility and intensity have already been described for C. parapsilosis and other Candida species [[38], data not shown] and Butler and co-authors showed that C. albicans can be partially hemizygous [30]. The role that ploidy plays in C. parapsilosis genetic variability is a phenomenon already described. In fact, it was shown that its nuclear size ranges from 57% to 86% from its estimated diploid size [30, 39]. We Rapamycin solubility dmso assume that one haploid complete set of the genome (50%) is always present in the isolates but what the remaining 7 to 36% of the DNA actually represents remains unknown. Whether this represents between 7 to 36% of one homologous set and/or whether these are DNA sequences present in variable copy numbers is still to be determined. Using AFLP with the enzyme combinations EcoRI, HpaII, and MspI, we have noted that in C. parapsilosis, methylation of cytidine occurs. It was also observed that this methylation was variable in different isolates (data not shown).

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