Multimode interference Multimode interference (MMI) is a waveguide effect which waveguide modes are interfered and self-imaged in a multimode waveguide. MMI is used for the plasmonic couplers due to its large fabrication tolerance and integrated size [16, 17]. Several works have presented plasmonic
MMI couplers to split AZD5363 clinical trial SPP intensities and filter wavelengths. Multimode interference couplers were often studied using calculation methods, such as finite-element method [18] (FEM), beam propagation method [17] (BPM), and finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method [19]. By using these methods, the functions of MMI devices can be theoretically demonstrated. However, MMI patterns are hard to be directly visualized. To show MMI in DLSPPW experimentally, Bafilomycin A1 we studied a wide
DLSPPW with 300-nm-high, 4.6-μm-wide strip on a 100-nm-thick silver film. The waveguide length was longer than 100 μm. The incident wavelength was 830 nm owing to the good SPP propagation length and quantum efficiency of CCD. This waveguide provided TM00 ~ TM06 in 830-nm wavelength and gave rise to multimode interference along the waveguide. The interference effect can be express by (1) where m is the number of guided mode, a m is superposition constant and u m (y) is complex amplitude depended with incident field. The MMI pattern changed with the incident field u m (y).The incident field was changed by varying the launching position of the fiber tip. In the experiment, the near-field excitation location was moved from the north corner to south corner by using move-mode in NFES. Figures 3 show the leakage radiation Sitaxentan images that correspond the fiber tips located at corners and middle of the waveguide. Figure 3a was a LY2874455 research buy chain-like MMI pattern. The field intensity was splitting to 50:50
with a gap of 2.237 μm (red arrow). Figure 3b,c shows the LRM images when input field was launched at the corner. Both of them showed zigzag bright dashed lines and symmetric to each other. Some inconspicuous illuminations were observed between these bright patterns. The angle of refraction is about 40°. Figure 3 A multimode waveguide excited by NFES. (a) Leakage radiation image when the fiber tip was at the center of the waveguide. The red arrow shows the location of intensity was spitted into 50:50. (b, c) Leakage radiation images when the fiber tip was located at two different corners of the waveguide. (d to f) The calculated optical field distributions (E z ) for near-field excitation at different positions, (d) at the center of waveguide, (e, f) and at two different corners. To understand these properties, we calculated the plasmonic modes (E z ) by using 3D-FDTD method. The calculation fields were shown in Figure 3d,e,f). In these simulations, a 300-nm-hight, 4.6-μm-width, and 30-μm-length dielectric stripe with a refractive index of 1.61 was placed on 100-nm-thick silver film coated on a glass substrate.