For example, at the completion of the study the investigators can

For example, at the completion of the study the investigators can calculate sampling weights for the purpose of estimating practicebased prevalence rates. Patients who agree to recruitment are met at the practice for an in-person interview by research staff at a time proximate to the scheduled office visit. The purpose of this visit is to conduct, once informed consent is obtained, a rigorous assessment of depression as well as other clinical, neuropsychological, and social

variables needed for the analyses of course and outcome of depression and suicide risk. In developing its research assessment Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical battery, PROSPECT investigators had to balance the need for in-depth measures that adequately capture the complex interaction among depression, medical comorbidity, cognitive impairment, disability, lack of social support Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical in the primary care population with the time, and other constraints

of the primary setting. Major and minor depressions are diagnosed with DSMIV criteria using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Diagnoses.57 As noted when describing the intervention above, if a patient from an intervention site meets diagnostic Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical criteria, the research staff informs the intervention’s health specialist who will review the patient’s chart, contact the physician with guideline recommendations, and otherwise initiate intervention procedures. In both intervention and enhanced care practices, information on any patient with evidence of suicide risk will be reported immediately to the primary care physician and a clinical investigator Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of the study. PROSPECT has formalized procedures for evaluating and addressing suicide risk in patients. PROSPECT plans to recruit and follow 1380 patients (780 aged 60 to 74, 600 aged 75 and over). Approximately

two thirds of these patients will be treated for major depression Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical or minor depression, with most of the remainder having significant depressive symptomatology. An estimated 18% of the patients will report significant suicidal ideation at the time of their baseline interview. Rebamipide All recruited patients, in both intervention and enhanced care practices and regardless of diagnosis, are recontacted for brief telephone assessments at 4 and 8 months following their baseline interview to track depressive symptoms, suicide ideation, and health care utilization. The full assessment battery is readministered at two annual in-person follow-up interviews. Other sources of patient data include information drawn from medication and utilization records and death certificates if applicable. Conclusions Suicide behavior is a significant public health problem that is linked strongly to depression in late life. In the elderly, the prevalence rate of depression is substantial, yet rates of detection and treatment are far from adequate.

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