e. wild type RN6390, RN6390sodA::tet, RN6390sodM::erm, RN6390sodM::erm sodA::tet), what is seen in Figure 1. Our results differ from the one presented by Hart [8], which may be attributed to the differences in types of oxidative stress generated as a result of photodynamic action versus methyl viologen-induced oxidative stress used by Hart group. Methyl viologen is believed to induce internal oxidative stress. Our previous results showed that PDI-induced oxidative stress is mainly external
[25]. In our previous work, when PpIX was washed away from the cell suspension before illumination, the photodynamic Ipatasertib effect was abolished. Thus we can speculate that oxidative stress selleck chemical associated toxicity is a result of cell wall and bacterial membrane damage, which eventually leads to loss of cell viability. We can hypothesize that in our experimental conditions we used a more complex oxidative stress generating system than that used by Hart or Foster group. It is known that during Necrostatin-1 in vivo photodynamic inactivation a number of reactive oxygen species are generated. This phenomenon is dependent on the type of photosensitizer used as well as medium conditions. For example, it was shown for fullerol c60, a recently studied photosensitizer, that depending on the medium used, either singlet oxygen alone or singlet oxygen together with superoxide
anion were produced in a phototoxic process [40]. Different species of ROS produced in various media may affect the phototoxic effect on the same strain. We can speculate that Thiamet G apart from singlet oxygen and superoxide anion, other ROS can be generated in PpIX-mediated photodynamic process, which can affect
either SodA or SodM regulatory pathways. The regulation of Sod activity in bacterial cells is very complex and yet not fully understood. Divalent metal ions, eg. Mn, Fe play a crucial role in these processes as enzyme or transcription factor regulator cofactors [16, 41, 42]. It is known that homeostasis of Mn and Fe are intertwined and most likely the manipulation of one of them greatly alters the uptake, storage and regulation of the other. It was shown that direct elemental superoxide scavenging by Mn occurs in S. aureus [12]. This effect was also clearly visible in our experimental data, where the survival rate of the double S. aureus sodAM mutant increased from 4.1 log10 units reduction in the Mn-depleted medium to 1.3 log10 units in the Mn-supplemented one (Figure 2) as a response to oxidative stress generating PDI. The comparison of the survival fraction of wild type RN6390 and sod mutants among each other as well as between conditions of Mn presence and absence in the medium explicitly indicates that Mn++ ions influence the efficacy of bacteria killing but based on our results this seems to be regardless of the Sod activity.