A single crossover between the regions of homology leads to a functional tetA gene. Plasmids pYA4463 and pYA4590 were constructed to test intraplasmid recombination (Figure 1 panel A). Plasmid pYA4463 carries two truncated tetA genes (5′ end and 3′end), which have CH5183284 price 466-bp of tandemly repeated sequence. An intramolecular recombination event can delete one of the repeats resulting in an intact tetA gene, thereby recreating the structure of plasmid pACYC184 (Figure 1 panel A). Theoretically, intermolecular recombination may occur between two pYA4463 molecules to form a plasmid dimer with a functional tetA gene (Figure 1 panel C). Plasmid pYA4590 contains a 602-bp tetA sequence duplication separated by a
1041-bp kan cassette. The intramolecular recombination product is equivalent to pACYC184. The intermolecular recombination product is a dimer plasmid containing an intact tetA gene (Figure 1 panel C). Plasmids pYA4464 and pYA4465 carry the 3′tet gene and 5′tet gene, respectively (Figure 1). The Rec+ Salmonella strain χ3761 carrying either plasmid individually was sensitive to tetracycline. There is 751-bp of tetA DNA in common between the two truncated tetA genes. Recombination between the two plasmids creates a hybrid plasmid containing an intact selleck compound tetA gene (Figure 1 panel C). Intraplasmid recombination products To verify the recombination products, plasmid DNA was prepared
from tetracycline resistant (TcR) single colonies derived from χ3761(pYA4463), χ3761(pYA4590) and χ3761(pYA4464, pYA4465). Plasmids extracted from TcR clones of χ3761(pYA4463) were digested with XbaI and SalI. Theoretically, XbaI/SalI digestion of pYA4463 will yield two fragments (3524 bp and 1187 bp), pACYC184 will yield two fragments (3524 bp and 721 bp) and pYA4463 dimer will yield four fragments (3524 bp, 3524 bp, 1653 bp and 721 bp). The results (Figure 3A) showed that digestion of all 16 TcR clones yielded a 721-bp band, indicating either a pYA4463 dimer or a plasmid equivalent to Nintedanib (BIBF 1120) pACYC184. Three clones (lane 1, 5 and 10) yielded the pYA4463 dimer-specific 1653-bp band. Therefore, we conclude that the other 13 clones recombined to form the pACYC184-like
structure. Of note, several clones (2, 13-16) also yielded the 1187-bp pYA4463-specific band, suggesting that the original plasmid (pYA4463) and its recombination product (pACYC184-like) could coexist in the same bacterial cell. Figure 3 Verification of plasmid recombination product by agarose gel separation. (A) Plasmid DNA was p38 MAPK activation isolated from TcR clones derived from χ3761(pYA4463) and digested by XbaI and SalI. (B) Plasmid DNA was isolated from TcR clones of χ3761(pYA4590) and digested by KpnI and EcoRI. (C) Plasmid DNA was isolated from TcR or TcS clones of χ3761(pYA4464, pYA4465). The purified plasmids were digested with NcoI and BglII. Plasmids extracted from TcR clones of χ3761(pYA4590) were digested with KpnI and EcoRI.