The up-Ri fragment was cloned into the SphI/SpeI site of the pTZ57-down-Ri plasmid. The plasmid was cut with BamHI/BglII and the fragment was cloned into BamHI of vector ksgt between the gpd promoter and TrpC terminator, resulting in plasmid OptRi. The OptRi plasmid
was transformed into C. gloeosporioides together with the gGFP vector, which confers resistance to hygromycin. Fungal transformation Fungal transformation was performed by electroporation of germinated spores as previously described [20]. Hygromycin-resistant colonies were collected and the presence of either Popt-gfp or OptRi plasmid was verified by PCR. Transgenic isolates obtained with Anlotinib the Popt-gfp plasmid were compared and detailed analyses were performed with isolate Popt-gfp6. For OptRi, isolates containing the silencing cassette were propagated and the expression levels of CgOPT1 were compared. Detailed analyses were carried out with isolates Ori51 and Ori83, which gave similar results in all cases. Sporulation assay Fungi were cultured on CD or EMS plates. For media with IAA, the calculated amount of IAA was dissolved in ethanol and applied on a Whatman filter paper, the ethanol was air-dried and then the filter was click here placed
between two layers of agar medium. Plates were prepared 1 day before inoculation to allow diffusion of IAA into the medium. Control plates were prepared in a similar fashion with filters containing an equivalent volume of air-dried ethanol. Each plate was inoculated with a 3-mm2 mycelium cube that was excised from a 5-day-old culture. After 5 days, the spores were washed from the plates and counted. Selleck Rucaparib Three plates were used as replicates in each experiment and all experiments were repeated several times. Data are the mean results of three experiments. Plant inoculation Inoculation experiments were performed with 12-day-old Aeschynomene virginica plants as described previously [26]. Plants were sprayed to runoff with spore suspension
containing 0.05% (v/v) Tween 20. Control plants were sprayed with similar volumes of 0.05% Tween 20. Six plants per treatment were used as replicates in each experiment and all experiments were repeated several times. Symptoms were recorded and fresh weight determined 6 days post-inoculation. Microscopy Fluorescent and light microscopy were performed with a Zeiss Axioskop 2 epifluorescent microscope, or with an Olympus SZX 12 fluorescent stereoscope equipped with an eGFP filter. Confocal microscopy was performed with a Zeiss CLSM 510 laser-scanning confocal microscope. Computational analysis CgOPT1 homologous sequences were identified by BlastpX [27] analyses at the NCBI database For details of species and retrieved sequences see Additional file 1 and Additional file 2. Multiple alignments were performed by the ClustalW program [28]. Phylogenetic analyses were conducted with the PHYLIP package [29], available online at