elow the limit where the linear relationship between concentration and intensity was lost according to Spike In information. The numbers of oligos filtered using this first step is shown in Table 10. Second, two additional filtering criteria were applied, only features with intensity 100 fluorescence units were kept, features likely to present cross hybridization were filtered. Table 10 shows the numbers of oligos fil tered using the complete filtration process. For miRNA identification in the Turbot 3 database, a BLASTN search against the miRBase v. 18 database was used. The ten best matches were selected and are depicted in Table 11. Statistical analyses were carried out with the statistical language R. The GOStats Bioconductor package was used to perform the analysis of GO Terms.
Studies on the free living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans have provided a wealth of information on meta zoan biology and development. However, being a mem ber of the Nematoda has periodically engendered erroneous assumptions that C. elegans is a measurable Carfilzomib representative of other nematodes within this phylum. More recent studies on the genomes and transcriptomes of other nematodes have demonstrated the extensive diversity within this group and the need to look more closely at individual genera to begin addressing questions related to nematode parasitism and host parasite relationships. Cooperia oncophora and Ostertagia ostertagi are two parasitic nematodes of the order Strongylida that belong to the same phylogenetic clade as C. elegans. Both species are parasites of bovids in more temperate regions of the world.
The diseases caused by these nematodes are among the most costly to the cattle in dustry where hundreds of millions of dollars are lost each year in lower productivity and higher management expenses. Treatment of cattle infected with these strongylid nematodes commonly involves anthelmintic drugs, however, similar to what has been observed in many microorganisms, drug resistance has become a sig nificant problem within this group of parasites. In spite of their economic impact, a dearth of information is available on their molecular biology. Parasites of the genera Cooperia and Ostertagia as well as other Strongylida exhibit similar life cycles that begin with fertilized eggs being passed in the host feces. Like C.
elegans, the first three larval stages are considered free living because they are environmen tally exposed but with no host dependency. The infect ive L3 has a protective sheath that allows for movement on pasture while protecting the parasite from ecological pressures. Upon ingestion, however, the nematodes become host dependent i. e. parasitic, the L3 exsheath, develop to the fourth larval stage and continue development to adults in the abomasum or the intestines. Despite their biological similarities, infection by O. ostertagi does not confer strong immunity against reinfection except in cat tle which have been infected for extended periods